Suzanne Storer, figurative ceramic sculpture
The excellent eye/hand coordination I was born with has played a large role in my success as an artist. I knew as a child who loved ball sports that as I grew older my interest in making art would overtake playing sports. I’ve brought to the studio lessons learned from countless hours spent on the tennis court including the importance of correctly perceiving perspective and proportion, body awareness, continual practice to keep my eye/hand skills sharp and, perhaps most importantly, perseverance. While at work in the studio I occasionally experience periods of absolute bliss when I feel fully connected to life as I work the clay. Most times I persevere learning from the previous piece as I go forward. I am grateful to have been given the freedom, the ability and the desire to pursue what is most meaningful to me. I’ve learned from many artists in developing my work including Picasso’s painted ceramics and especially the groundbreaking ceramic sculpture of the contemporary artist Akio Takamori. My current work combines all the skills I have accrued over the years working in clay with my ever-growing empathy with my fellow human beings.
Suzanne Storer
Nov 29, 2014