Thank you for your supportive and inspirational work in creating such a rich connection between a multitude of figurative artists with various practices. I am also delighted to say that it was through this site that a Chicago art collector discovered my work in Montreal and consequently was inspired to acquire one of my paintings. Elaine Despins
This site refers a great number to persons directly to blakesculpture.com on a regular basis, and is consistently within the top 5 reference sites providing traffic to my website. Paula’s communication skills are evident, she is continuously ensuring that new and interesting elements are added and her media presence always expanding. In fact I am so impressed with the traffic that I’ve received from figurativeartist.org that I am upgrading my participation to become a Premium Listing member.
Blake Ward
Thanks for keeping the Figurative site going; the majority of hits to my website show figurativeartist.org as the referring link.
John Vistaunet
WOW your site looks fabulous… truly fabulous.
I also wanted to share with you that I did a little research on where people find my website. And you keep rocking the stats… your site provides over 20% of the referrals to my little site.
Thank you for providing so much support Paula.
This is such a great idea, and I’ll be sure to print some postcards out and leave them around. I get a lot of hits on my website from Figurative Artist, and I’m very grateful for your support.
Joyce Polance
I do want you to know that your site is fantastic and it is driving eyeballs to my site. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of it.
William B. Miller, Jr.
I have been looking through a portion of the other artists’ websites and the work is fantastic – I am delighted to be a part.
Thanks again,
Steve Coppin
Thank you for doing this. I will enjoy looking at all the artists. Figurative art has been out of step with official taste here in Edmonton for many years. With your site I don’t feel so lonely.
Al Henderson
Thanks Paula. Really love the site and look forward to pointing my students to it on a regular basis. What a great service you are providing.
Gary Chapman
Thank you for adding my name. This is such an amazing site. I’ve discovered so many new artists whose work I can relate to. You have done a fantastic job. Looking forward to next additions.
Beata Tyrala
Thanks again. It’s great to see high quality figurative art being celebrated in this way.
Cofion / Regards from Wales
Michael Gustavius Payne
Thank you very much for including my work, you have built a great site.
Kurt Wenner
Dear Paula,
Thank you for contacting me and showing me the updated figurative artists website. I have always admired your selective eye and intentions.
I think your new website provides an excellent selection of features and information. I especially liked the artists also being categorized by medium.
The art history provides accessible and valuable exposure to the visitors and artists as well.
The addition of more languages also increases the audience.
And all of this has been done with simplicity of design and a contemplation of the true needs of artists and art lovers alike.
Best Regards,
Ana Bayon
I just wanted to say how valuable I think your site has become as a resource for me (and hopefully collectors and curators, too!)
Thanks again for all you’re doing,
Bob Clyatt
Happy and honored to be on your site.
Max Ferguson
“If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud.” Emile Zola