Fernando Reyes, colorful figurative painting
Art is a second career for me after spending 17 years in banking in San Francisco. I began as a self-taught artist, then decided to seek formal art education at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago where I received a BFA degree in 1997.
I then returned to the Bay Area and have lived in Oakland since 1998. I opened my studio located in the Jingletown neighborhood in Oakland at the Ford Street Studios in 1999.
Throughout the years, I have produced a large and diverse portfolio of artwork. My work is primarily representational and includes oil paintings, charcoal & conte drawings, and printmaking. Subjects include figurative nudes, landscape and urban scapes. My primary interest is in depicting the human figure. Recently, abstract art has captured my attention and as I seek to further the development of my work, elements of abstraction can be found in the figure. New “non-figurative” abstract works can be found in my portfolio in mixed media and works on paper.
I’ve had many solo exhibitions and have been in many group exhibitions featuring my figure paintings, drawing and print works.
Fernando Reyes
Jan 30, 2016