Carole Belliveau, strongly rooted in renaissance religious iconic art with gold leaf
My Inspiration is grounded in the spirit of the natural world. My paintings depict the beautiful, ethereal, sacred and eternal as a visual counterpoint to the profane in contemporary culture.
The idealized child is a frequent symbol of this vision. Like a sprite she changes as effortlessly as a chameleon from the reality of the waking world in one moment to floating in a golden space of imagination the next. This is a magic kingdom of dreams and flowers that reflect a time of innocence, creativity and hope. My paintings of women carry that child within.
I use symbols of time passing, walls crumbling and perfectly imperfect gold leaf which tempers even the purity of youth, reminding us that each living moment is a dream of our own making…at once fleeting, yet eternal.
My work is strongly rooted in renaissance religious and iconic art with a use of real gold and silver leaf to embellish Oil and Acrylic paintings of figures.
Carole Belliveau
Jul 18, 2018