Raúl Campos, magic realism fusion of figurative & abstract
Artworks generally done with oil on canvas and using figurative methods from the 19th century. In his artwork you can appreciate a fusion between the figurative and the abstract, always with a dark and captivating palette.
Figurative painter born on the 4th of December 1992. Currently living in Florence, Italy, where he continues his artistic education. His works are generally done with oil on canvas and using figurative methods from the 19th century. In his artwork you can appreciate a fusion between the figurative and the abstract, always with a dark and captivating palette. Magic realism exposed in a pictorial manner with a touch of contemporary tenebrism.
Raúl Campos
Sur l’Artiste
Artiste figuratif Mexicain, né le 4 decembre 1992. Habitant actuellement a Florence, ou il continue sa formation artistique. ouvres principalement réalisés a l`huile sur toile, en utilisant des methodes figuratives datant du XIXe siecle. Son travail melange frequemment des sujets figuratifs et abstraits, exprimées grace a une palette de tonalites obscures et captivantes. Réalisme magique exposé d’un façon picturale et avec un coup de obscurité contemporaine.
Raúl Campos
Jan 4, 2017