Molly Judd, Odd Nerdrum student comes into her own
I aim to create work with a timeless archetypal quality through dramatic representations of the human condition.
I paint using the Apelles limited Palette and use the techniques of the old masters taught to me by Odd Nerdrum who has been my principal teacher.
I look to the Old Masters, in particular Goya and Rembrandt, and try to compare my work with there’s in order to improve. I find work which manages to tell a story and express strong human emotion the most captivating.
I try to follow in the words of G.F Watts
“My intention has not been so much to paint pictures that charm the eye, as to suggest great thoughts that will appeal to the imagination and the heart, and kindle all that is best and noblest in humanity”.
Molly Judd
Sep 27, 2017