Blake Ward
Art Medium: contemporary semi-abstract figurative sculpture
Technique: Figurative Clay Modeling & Wax
"As a sculptor, my work will always remain figurative as it expresses ideas across cultures, religions and philosophies. I believe that personal growth comes with artistic endeavour and my new work is challenging my old notions of figurative sculpture as I have gone inside, meditating as it were, on the interior of our bodies as soulscapes."
For many years I was excited by beauty and this is what I sought in my work, the sole objective was to make beautiful art. Then I became excited by imagination and innovation, and am still stimulated by the creation of the new work, beauty is still important but no longer the objective. I am challenging what figurative sculpture was, introducing the interior into my work and leaving out much of the figure. Changing the surface with abstract texture while using my technical abilities to remain, to a large extent, realistically figurative and the dichotomy of one within the other; the abstract within the realistic, and the juxtaposition of the two.
Angel Tahere
Angel Tahere
Ushabti Mafdet & Maye
Angel Harut
Following a direction into activist art in response to the increasing globalized context in which we live, Blake began the Rethink series. This body of work is not defined by any individual nationality or religion, but hopes to highlight the troubled relationship between human needs and political and social repression.
The artist has created this art in a very unusual sense as a source of solace. It is committed to the fragile character of beauty and the enduring quality of man. Comprising two perspectives the work addresses the topic of comfort in a contemplative message revolving around the formal beauty of the human body and confronts the viewer with headier consolations repression and reform.
Beyond their challenging and provocative appearance, this works embodies the fragility of our societies in sharp contrast to the realities of political or religious authority. The figures are beautiful and disturbing, as they resemble familiar historical styles, only to challenge the default image and seek further interpretation by the viewer.
The path the artist has taken is describe through the exploration of urgent concerns: human rights, social justice, and environmental health or remnants of war are embodied in the hope of resolving these issues.
Free Sex
This is not Christ
Les Vestige