Alex Kanevsky, Unstable Equilibrium
Alex Kanevsky
Unstable Equilibrium
Dolby Chadwick Gallery
San Francisco
October 1 ?-31, 2015
Opening Reception: Thursday, October 1, 5:30-7:30 PM
Dolby Chadwick Gallery is honored to announce an exhibition of new work by Alex Kanevsky, opening on Thursday, October 1. All of Kanevsky’s paintings, even those that depict interior scenes, appear to have been painted en plein air. Regardless of setting, an intoxicating roar of air rips through each work. Here, heady gusts loosen the brushwork and move the forms around, opening them up and allowing gestures, colors, and shapes to pass through newly awakened fissures.
As a result, these super-saturated compositions practically pulsate. Bodies multiply and appear and disappear; perspective shifts and rooms transform; water, sky, and foliage are locked in perpetual motion; negative space becomes positive and positive, negative. It is in this wild alchemy of movement that Kanevsky’s paintings find their singular impact.
Alex Kanevsky
Sept 19, 2015