Alessio Radice, gutsy figurative art from Italy

FigurativeArtist got a wonderful new submission this week from Italy. Alessio Radice. I love his gutsy bold work and also love his very juicy web site. Large details float by on the home page until navigation is taken to another section. Alessio has taken the very smart and up-to-date step of making sure his site is mobile friendly and shows just as well on hand held devices as on the big screen, something which FigurativeArtist is just about to do to our own site too.

Philippe Colbert writes "Alessio Radice's paintings captures the essence of its subjects in a turbulence of colors with minimal strokes, which are strategically placed to bring the spectator where he wants them to be. His oil paintings are precise without any doubts. We remember each paintings indefinitely. It is probably this complicity with the spectator that carves a place in our memory. He borrows from the viewer's own experience to fill-in the blanks and keeps the door open where necessary.

A myriad of expressions come out of his work: oblivion, envy, determination, questioning, revolt, brutality, pain and lust.
Alessio Radice is a name to remember within the new generation of Italian painters."
Alessio Radice
June 4, 2013