Judith Carducci, portrait paintings in pastel
When I was a child, my art teacher had me copy “Holbein Heads” – drawings by the great Hans Holbein, portraitist to the court of England’s King Henry VIII. That was the beginning of my lifelong fascination with portraiture and my enduring respect for Holbein’s genius. Even now, my teacher’s voice, as she showed me the fine points of his skill, echoes in my ear: “Look for the lost and found!”
This self portrait of the artist on a coffee break, in intense concentration assessing the work in progress (values? edges? gesture? composition…?), is also my homage to Holbein, his strength of characterization and his use of color (especially in the simple rich green background). And it is nostalgic for me – a reminder of my love and gratitude for my teacher.
Listed in Who’s Who in American Art, Judith Carducci has received international recognition as one of today’s best portrait painters. Her work has been shown in such venues as The National Arts Club and the Salmagundi Club in New York City, the Cahoon Museum of American Art, and the Butler Institute of American Art. She has been featured in International Artist, Pastel Artist International, American Artist, The Pastel Journal, The Artist’s Magazine, and the books, Best of Portrait Painting and Best of Pastel (North Light Books), “100 Ways to Paint People” (International Artist), and Portrait Highlights (American Artist).
She is one of two Americans featured in the book Paint! Portrait and Figure by the Swiss publisher RotoVision, and her painting, “Xanadu,” was selected as one of the “best of the best” by the former curator of the Smithsonian Institute’s Renwick Gallery for the art book Beautiful Things (Guild). Her drawing “My Name is Blue” was recently published in Strokes of Genius 4: The Best of Drawing (North Light)
Her work is in collections in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, Israel, Europe and South Africa.
Her paintings have won Best of Show, Award of Excellence, First Place, Award of Merit, and purchase awards at international and national shows and competitions.
She is a Signature member of the Portrait Society of America (board & faculty) and the Pastel Society of America; a juried member of the Degas Pastel Society, the Cincinnati Art Club and the Salmagundi Club. She is also a Signature member of Akron Society of Artists and Hudson Society of Artists.
She is also a member of the International Association of Pastel Societies and of Phi Beta Kappa.
In additon to Who’s Who in American Art, Judith is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who of American Women, Who’s Who in the World and “Outstanding People of the 20th [& 21st] Century” (International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.)
Judith is represented by Portraits Inc., and Portraits South. She teaches workshops in portraiture, pastel, plein air landscape, anatomy for portraitists and still life by invitation.
Judith Carducci
July 25, 2015